My Relationship With Technology

My Technology 

Ever since I was young I've always loved technology, especially social media. Going all the way back to 2nd grade I remember being so fascinated with facebook I would see my mom making post and my dad playing games on his account. I of course was sneaky and went behind my parents back to make my own facebook page. Which to add neither of them found out until a few months later. I will say that ever since then my life has been circled around technology. 

Growing up in south Florida my technology usage has grown drastically ever since I got into high school, especially growing up in a major tourist city it seemed normal to me to always post about my life. I lived in a state let alone a city that is known for all the amazing places to go. Now I wouldn't say my relationship with technology is the most healthy but I would like to think that my relationship with technology is like any average person. 

In another class I recently had to do research on use of technology amongst my peers especially with COVID-19. I had to ask my peers questions like, "how would you feel not having technology in your life?" or "Has the increased us of technology in our daily lives seemed beneficial to you?" It was questions like these that really made ask myself the same questions.

I've always seen technology as a great part of my life and I can honestly say that I don't know what I would do with my life if there was no technology. Yes I will admit there is issues with saying that but it's the truth. I've always seen it as beneficial both socially and professionally. As a college student networking is important, actually not just important but vital. Technology allows us as students to use it to our advantage when it comes to networking or even just getting our name out there. On the social aspect there is many problems for sure but it's also a great way to express ourselves. Personally I can say if someone were to look my name up not one bad thing would show but that is also from being careful about what I put out into the world. 

These two social medias above are my most use social media accounts and I love having them. Being able to share special times I have with my friends and family with the world to me is a great outlet. 

For me technology isn't all about social media. There's so much I want to do with my life, my biggest goal in life is to make my mark. If that means changing someone else life in a positive way or making difference on how the world sees things then I will have reached my goal. Technology allows me to do that, without it I wouldn't be able to get there. 

From a click of a button I can make an amazing resume or I can post a picture on instagram. I can build relationships through technology. I can message someone about internships or job openings. I can talk to old friends and family I haven't seen in a while, but most of all I can make my mark. 

Technology is a growing industry, one that is changing every single day. I think many of us tend to look at all the negatives of technology, which in a way is kind of ironic considering many of use it in our daily lives everyday. I will always look at technology as a positive outlet and with technology growing we are also growing with it. With that being said my relationship with technology will keep on growing just like everyone else.


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