The Supreme Court

"Equal Justice Under Law" 

If you ever get the chance to see these words, you know that you've arrived at one of the most historical buildings. The Supreme Court was established in the year 1789 and has since held 100 of cases over the years. The building holds so much history and getting to learn more about it in this video was very eye opening into the history that I did not know:

The process of how the supreme court functions was something I fully knew. Theres many components that are involved in the way the supreme court works. Firstly as known this court is the highest federal court in the country because of the high power it hold supreme court justices are nominated but the President of the United States. When the court originally comprised of six justices and now has remained at nine since 1869. 

Before watching this video my idea of the supreme court was just a high court composed of 9 justices. I was well aware of the power it held but its wasn't until watching this video that my respect for the court grew even more. There are so many historical cases that have occurred in this court. For example, U.S.v. Nixon or Obergefell v. Hodges. It's cases like these that will go down in history forever and always be remembered. The respect of the court not only extends to us as citizens but all the justices. The honor that we hold towards them is one the hold to one another. Our country is built on honor and respect and its the glue that hold our country together and I truly believe the supreme court stands for that same notion.


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