Whether you watch the news, read the news, or never actually pay attention to the news there is one common factor we are all very aware of; there are so many biased news companies out there. Personally when it comes to gathering information whether for my own personal use or for an assignment for school, I always try to find the most unbiased sites in order to allow myself to see the middle ground of a headline or to see both sides. After doing a fair amount of research and looking at surveys's done I can say I have found my top 5 news sources.

Associated Press


PBS News


CBS News




The Washington Post


Now here are a few reasons why I would recommend ever single one of these sites as my top sources:

For as long as I can remember I have always watched the news. As I got into middle school I joined speech and debate and started competing. Finding reliable and unbiased news sources were difficult. Finally I was able to find the best sources and ever since these have been my top five sources. If you need a reliable sources these are the best ones to go too. For example, PBS News is known for being one of the top most trustworthy sources. If you are looking for unbiased BBC is a great example. BBC is one of the oldest broadcasting stations and is extremely credible. 


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