Innovation of facebook EOTO #1


 2003: A Harvard sophomore by the name of Mark Zuckerberg creates a website called Facemash

2004: Facebook launches of February 4th for Harvard Students

  • In March it opens up to students at Yale, Columbia, and Stanford

  • September 1st Facebook Introduces “The Wall”

(The wall allows people to write posts/public messages)

  • In June Facebook headquarters becomes located in Palo Alto, CA

2005: Facebook expands to high school students.

2006: Facebook changes there joining age to 13 after a protest to the company

2007: Facebook launches Platform

  • Microsoft purchases a 1.6% share of Facebook for $240 million

2008: Facebook settles a lawsuit with ConnectU

(The lawsuit was between the Winklevoss Brothers and Mark Zuckerberg)

  • Facebook introduce Chat

2009: Facebook introduces Like

2010: “The Social Network” about Zuckerberg is released and receives 8 Academy Award nominations

2011: Zuckerberg introduce Timeline

2012: Facebook agrees to acquire Instagram for $1 billion.

  • Facebook closes its purchase of instagram

2013: Facebook introduces Graph Search 

(This feature allows allows users to see information about people in there network)

  • Facebook offers to buy Snapchat for a rumored $3 billion.

2014: Facebook buys WhatsApp for $19 Billion

2016: Facebook reactions are launched

2017: Facebook’s 14-year anniversary 

What Has Facebook Turned Into From Then Vs. Now:

When Facebook launched in 2004 and began to open up to other school in soon became a phenomenon across campuses throughout America.

Once “The Wall” was created 3 months later on December 1st the company announced they have over 1 million active users and it only grew from there.

Facebook became known as a genius platform that was created and by 2009 became the world’s most used social networking service.

Facebook has allowed so many people to connect with others and has left such a huge influence on society and social media today  and according to 2020 statistics Facebook users are currently at 1.69 billion.

The creation of Facebook changed how we used social media compared to 2004 when it was launched; it has altered social media as we know it to be today.



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